The Basics
Azetbur is the daughter of Gorkon, who became Chancellor of the Klingon Empire after the assassination of her father during the events of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
She’s available in Klingon Recruit chests, in addition to Ultra and premium recruit packs.
Captain’s Ability
Armor is Obsolete – When hitting the enemy with a Kinetic Weapon, Azetbur has a 20% chance of causing a Hull Breach for 2 rounds on the opponent’s ship.
I’m probably going to write an article in the near future on why Hull Breach is so much weaker than Burning and especially Morale for ship conditions. Suffice to say, that a 20% chance of a disappointing condition isn’t much to write home about.
My opinion of this may change once I get my D4, but for right now, it’s really disappointing.

Officer Ability of Azetbur
Contribution – Every time the ship hits with a weapon, Azetbur increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by (10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%.)
This is why she’s on my Gorkon-led Saladin crew. I complete my triple-faction dailies by sending out two ships. One is my Intrepid with Pike–Moreau and Chen to go hunt Romulans.
The other is my Saladin with Gorkon, Kerla, and Azetbur. I then head to Gya’han to hunt the level 39 battleships and scout ships there (which helped me get my Enterprise!) It’s a great crew to use on interceptors for quickly dispatching hostile battleships, and Azetbur’s ability is extremely useful in piercing the armor of those battleships.
The Gorkon crew isn’t great for PvP, but it works great against hostiles. This is due to Gorkon’s ability only lasting for a few rounds.
Also, this would be a great ability to have on ships that shoot a lot, like the Vi’Dar. I wouldn’t use it against Borg probes, either the Pike crew or Borg crews will give you more bang for your buck here – but if you were using a Vi’Dar to hunt regular hostiles, it would be extremely effective.

Rosanna DeSoto Trivia
Actress Rosanna DeSoto was born in San Jose, California in 1950.
DeSoto got her screen start in 70s TV, making her debut in a 1972 episode of Cannon. She made guest appearances on The Mod Squad, Kung Fu, The Streets of San Francisco, and Barney Miller.
The Barney Miller guest spot brought her to the attention of producer Danny Arnold. Arnold was creating a hospital sitcom, called A.E.S. Hudson Street, and cast DeSoto as the head nurse.
This, intro by the way screams “Barney Miller in a hospital.” There’s nothing more 70s than this. The two characters interrupting a conversation to mug for the camera is classic.
So the real reason I brought this up was that it also starred Allan Miller, who played just about everyone’s favorite unnamed alien… this guy, from Star Trek III. (Come on Scopely, get this guy in the game. I don’t care what he does, just get him in the game.)

Miller, by the way, was acting coach for Barbara Streisand and Meryl Streep. So there’s that. In fact, the first four actors in the cast all made Trek appearances, with Gregory Sierra appearing on Deep Space Nine, and Stefan Gierash showing up on The Next Generation.
In Movies
She made her film debut in the incredible Peter Falk and Alan Arkin in the extremely underrated 1979 comedy, The In-Laws. Her biggest credit is probably her starring role in 1987 as Connie Valenzeuala in La Bamba with Lou Diamond Phillips.