Battle for Glory is all about killing hostiles, and the higher the level the better. The level of the hostiles you’ll have to kill will vary with your level. There’s usually a solo event and an alliance competition. Unlike Faction Hunt, these hostiles don’t have to be of any specific faction.
This event isn’t the most difficult, nor does it have the greatest rewards.
Battle for Glory Solo Event
The object of this event is to kill a certain number of hostiles. You get more points for killing higher level hostiles. My point total goal at level 36 was to earn 750 points. With my Intrepid and the Pike crew, this wasn’t all that challenging. Just knock off 38 level 39s and call it a day. Since I’m triple-faction locked, I need to kill 50 of these ships for my dailies anyway.
The hostile levels you’ll have to kill, and the number of points you’ll have to earn to complete the event will vary by your ops level.
Usually, these events last for 24 hours, but you can get several of them in a row.
Battle for Glory Solo Event Rewards

For this event you’ll get gas and crystal, the amounts and grades will vary by level. You’ll also get alliance gold trophies. In addition, you’ll get parsteel tokens, parsteel, and some dilithium.
This screenshot also includes Battle Pass Points from the “Outlaws” Event in June of 2020.
Alliance Scoring
This is an alliance leaderboard event. You’ll gain points not from defeating individual hostiles, but from the number of trophies your players earn. And while bigger players can earn slightly more trophies, this event will be won by the alliance that gets the most players to complete the solo event.

Save those Trophies
The alliance gold trophies that you earn can be used to recruit officers. 50 trophies will open one recruiting chest. Each chest will give you 5 shards, uncommon or better, and a 5% chance for a complete officer unlock (80% uncommon, 20% rare.) 120 trophies will get you two chests, and 400 trophies will get you five chests.
But… these are the same alliance gold trophies that you can use during the Crucible of War event, and there, the rewards are much, much better.
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