The Crucible of War or CoW is three events, with some pretty great rewards – and rewards that you can choose.
Crucible of War Solo Event

The solo milestone event gives you Parsteel and Parsteel tokens (depending on your ops level,) and it will give you Gold Alliance Trophies that will come in handy later on.
There are three ways to score points for this event:
- Destroy hostiles.
- Tier up ships
- Spend materials on ships.
This event rewards hitting the highest possible hostiles you can. And unlike some other events, it’s not on a sliding scale according to your ops level. The amount of points you need to complete the event varies my level 14 account that I use primarily to get screenshots needs only 1,400 points to complete the solo milestone event.
Here are the number of points you’ll get for completing each requirement. If you’re working on Military Supremacy! right now, you’ll have no trouble completing this event.
Crucible of War Alliance Event
The Crucible of War Alliance Event is where you’re going to earn the big rewards. This is one event where you really need to have everyone in your alliance participating.
You’ll earn 30 points for each trophy earned in the Solo Milestone Event (above). No matter what your ops level is, you can earn 400 trophies for this event. That’s 12,000 points a day. The event lasts three days, so each player in your alliance can earn 36,000 points.
If you’ve got an alliance of 60 people, all of whom complete the event for three straight days, you’ll finish the event, without destroying any hostiles at all.
However, you’ll also get points for destroying hostiles. It’s one point for destroying a hostile, regardless of level. Destroying a level 1 will get you the same number of points as a level 50. However, you’ll get more points for using bigger ships.
As you can see at left, you’ll get 5 total points for each hostile you kill with a Jellyfish, and 90 points for each one you destroy with an Enterprise-A.
And the kicker…
The biggest thing to get your alliance mates to do is to score at least one point as soon as possible in this event. Only players who have scored BEFORE your alliance reaches a milestone will get the rewards. And the rewards for this are pretty great.
Completing each tier will give those active players in your alliance Alliance Event Trophies, Alliance Credits, and Ultra Recruit Tokens. The amount of each will vary depending on your ops level.
I’ll go over what you can get with those Alliance Event Trophies down below.
Crucible of War Alliance Leaderboard
Probably the least important to your alliance is the Alliance Leaderboard, where your alliance competes with other alliances. You’ll get points the same way you do for the Solo Milestone Event, and you’ll earn Tritanium and Tritanium tokens (depending on your ops level) depending on where your alliance finishes.
In this event, it really helps to have someone grinding out level 49s and 50s. The rewards for this one are nice, but nothing compared to that of the other two.
What to Do with Those Alliance Event Trophies?
This is where the CoW event is really great. (Not as great as a full-blown arc event store, but this comes around more often.)
You’ll find them in the Alliance Store, and you pick the reward package you want. Whether it’s crystal, ore, gas, speedups, or the armada pack. Here are a couple of examples that I got at level 36, again these will vary by level.
What to Do with Those Gold and Silver Trophies?
You get the Gold Trophies by completing the solo event (and they’re the same Gold Trophies that you get for completing Battle For Glory.) You find the rewards in your recruiting tab.
Choose from either the Gold Trophy Recruit package or the Gold Trophy Utility Pack.
The Gold Trophy Recruit pack will give you one of the following officers.
Of all of these, the most exciting is probably Paul Zhou, since he’s not made available very often, and he’s an extremely valuable officer if you’re running a Morale crew.
The Gold “Utility Packs” offer you chances to obtain Independent credits, relocation tokens, ship xp, and rare or uncommon armada directives.
The Silver Utility Packs offer the same options but are only available for purchase.
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