Completing the Dark Space Missions will unlock Dark Space, or Deep Space. It’s the areas at the extremities of your map that are locked to players 37 and below. There you’ll find G4 materials, and higher level hostiles to battle.
The first step in the Dark Space Missions is getting to operations level 38. (Not Level 42, that’s Something About You.)
Getting there will complete the mission “City Middle.”
Ancestral Answer
First, you’ll travel to Carraya II to a subterranean installation. This will start you on the road of finding out the origins of some “ancient artifacts.” Your computer will be hacked by the Progenitors. They’ll tell you about a weapon needed to stop their enemies, who they think are coming back.
It’ll tell you that you need to track down three beacons, with three parts of a weapon.
Then you’ll return to your station, and have a chat with reps from the three factions (not the five families.)
You’ll tell them that the all have a common ancestor (see below) and they won’t take it all that well.
Next, you’ll make your way to the Tellar system (home of the Tellarites, not the Whopper.) There you’ll find the first beacon, and then you’ll make your way to D’Deridex in Romulan space for the second. The third beacon is in Klingon space, in the Gorath System.
Your reward for completing Ancestral Answer. Not bad.

Invaluable Asset
I know you’ll be shocked to know that this next missions starts by returning to your station.
Once there, the Progenitors weapon will put itself together, and give you instructions on how to use it. But you’ll have to choose which faction to ask for help in getting the power to make it work. The choice comes down to whether you’d rather have 50 G3 gas, crystal or ore.

Then you’ll head to the home planet of the faction you chose, give them four datapads from previous missions, and collect your reward.
Power Up
This one hurts, as you’ll need to donate a Commendation Rank VI, that’ll run you 5,000 faction credits in any of the stores. It doesn’t matter which one you buy it from.
In return for this, they’ll give you a tricorder. And there was much rejoicing.
And you’ll continue the mission chain.
The Primeval

The last “challenge” won’t be much more than a speed bump for you if you’re actually a level 38 player. Destroy a measly 1.37 million power battleship, and move on the actual “Dark Space” mission. One would think that the ancient evil would be a little more formidable.
But on the other hand, I’m not really complaining about a mission boss who I can beat, am I?
Dark Space
The last thing you’ll have to do before unlocking dark space is to donate 10,000 raw ore. The storyline is that it’s to shore up the hull of your ship before you go into dark space.
And voila, you’ve unlocked Dark Space, and time to explore, mine some raw G4 materials, find some level 42 hostiles to beat for your combat training missions, and maybe go looking for some tribbles.

Dark Space Missions Background
All of this should sound familiar to Star Trek: The Next Generation fans, as it’s really similar to the plot of The Chase.
Not this Chase.
But rather, this The Chase.
The season six episode of TNG where the Enterprise races against Klingons, Cardassians, and Romulans to solve an ancient mystery. And, um, one of the contesting ships destroys all life on a planet to stop the others from getting a DNA sample. And then this is completely ignored afterward. Oh well, what are you going to do?
The episode features the first trek appearance of Salome Jens – who would later be known to Trek fans for playing the Female Changeling on Deep Space Nine.
But this episode is probably most notable for featuring the great and timeless Norman Lloyd as Professor Galen. Lloyd was almost 80 when “The Chase” was filmed in 1993. And he’s still alive today, at 105.
Lloyd made his stage debut in October of 1932. Herbert Hoover was President. He made his onscreen debut in 1942 in a movie called Saboteur, directed by Alfred Hitchcock.
He’s probably most well known for his work on St. Elsewhere in the 80s as Dr. Daniel Auschlander.