As we’re coming to the close of Arc 4 of the Discovery, it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to do with all of those Terran Imperial Credits you’ve been accumulating. There are plenty of good things to get in the event store, but there’s one thing that’s not clear. Those Discovery Event Store Missions. Are they worth it? Are they not worth it? Everything else tells you what you’re getting.
But these don’t. So I went through LCARS (the Discord channel you need to be a part of, invite here,) and went through all of the missions so you don’t have to. Now, some of them are a bit complicated, and this was a bit of an ordeal to put together.
Now, also, keep in mind that you also won’t have access to all of these missions. If you completed them the first time, you might not see them again. Or, if they’re above your current level, you won’t see them.
Mirror Mirror Missions | Business As Usual | Let My People Go |
Ensign of the Times | How Came I Here? | Dark Worlds |
Sightings | Fragments of the Past |
Mirror, Mirror Missions
So for your 16,000 credits here, you’ll get two mission chains.
Mirror, Mirror

This one’s a seven-mission chain that goes back to November of 2019, and the Mirror Mirror update. That’s the update when Armadas were no longer “coming soon,” If you’d like to see a video run-through of the events, you can watch Fortis’s video series on them.
So for the first four missions, here’s what you’ll get. As you can see, this one’s primarily for newer players.
Items | Amount |
Standard Recruit Tokens | 20 |
Officer XP | 9000 |
Parsteel | 6000 |
Tritanium | 1200 |
2* UC Crystal | 6 |
2* UC Gas | 6 |
2* UC Ore | 6 |
Speed up Minutes | 355 |
In part five, you’ll have the choice to either side with the Terrans or the Federation. If you choose to go with the Federation, you’ll get 160 Federation Recruit Tokens. If you side with the Terrans, you’ll pick up 100 Ultra Recruit Tokens. Your choice here will determine your rewards in the next final two missions.
If you choose to go with the Terrans, you’ll help them get back to their universe by defeating the USS Enterprise and get 2,000 Tritanium in mission 6. But the rub is that you’ll have to spend 2,000 Tritanium to complete the mission. Next, in mission 7, you’ll select either 2 Kirk shards, 5 Spock shards, or 5 Uhura shards.
If you choose to help the Federation, you’ll have to defeat the ISS Enterprise, and get 60 Dilithium and get five 2* explorer parts for your trouble. And then, in mission 7, you’ll choose from 12 Hikaru Sulu shards, or 5 Leonard McCoy shards.
This won’t be worth it for anyone but low-level players. If you have to do these missions, I’d recommend going with the Terrans at the split, and either Kirk or Spock shards.
Broken Mirror
It’s the search for Mirror Spock, and chasing him around in the ISS Jellyfish.
This is another one for the newer players. The first two missions will give you 20 Recruit Tokens, 75 Premium Recruit tokens, 11,000 Officer XP, 360 Tritanium and six 2* explorer parts.
The third mission, “The Supernova of Romulus” splits, and you can earn either 12 two-star uncommon crystal and 8 two-star interceptor parts; or 12 two-star uncommon ore and 8 two-star battleship parts.
From there, there are four more missions, and from them you’ll get: 4 two-star Explorer Parts, 180 dilithium, 200 Ultra Recruit Token, 1 Kirk Shard and 2 Spock Shards.
All in all, I can’t see this as being really worth the event store credits, but since I can’t see the event store at every level, you’ll have to make that determination yourself. The only thing to be said for them is that Kirk and Spock are two of the more valuable officers in the game.
Business as Usual
This one’s complicated. So I’m going to simplify this as much as possible. Without bogging you down in details you probably won’t care about, for the first few levels you’ll get resources and repair speed ups, and a few recruit tokens.
By the seventh mission, “… But Now I see,” you’ll get 13 3* uncommon crystal in addition to 1.1 million parsteel, and 172k tritanium. The next mission will get you 6 3* uncommon gas. After that, and you’ve probably already guessed it, you’ll get 7 3* uncommon ore.
The mission that comes next is “What Comes Next,” and here you’ll have to choose a faction. Completing the mission will give you some resources, and 150 faction credits for the faction you choose.
The mission tree then splits, depending on which faction you chose. All the missions will get you resources and faction reputation points. Choosing the Federation will get you 360 Federation Credits. Picking the Klingons will get you 380 Klingon credits. Picking the Romulans will earn you 540 Romulan credits.
This mission makes sense if you’re around level 26-28, and working on building your first faction ship. Higher ops level players should probably take a pass on this one.
Level 10 Events

There are also two level-10 events offered, Let My People Go and Ensign of the Times. The rewards.
Let My People Go
So the first and last missions are set for rewards, and they total as follows:
Tritanium | 1600 |
Ship XP | 600 |
Speed Ups (In Minutes) | 105 |
Officer XP | 2500 |
There are two missions in the middle, that each give you choices. For the first mission, you’ll choose between 11 five-minute repair speed ups and 250 dilithium; or 20 recruit tokens and 3 one-hour speed ups.
For the second mission, your choice is either: two 30 Minute Speed Ups. 380 Dilithium and 12 2* common crystal; or 3,000 officer XP and 8,000 parsteel.
Ensign of the Times
This is another one with options. So again, here are the items you’ll get either way, and down below, I’ll give you the options, that show up in mission #2.
Item | Amount |
1* Battleship Parts | 15 |
2* Interceptor Parts | 10 |
2* Common Crystal | 10 |
Tritanium | 3600 |
Officer XP | 2500 |
Ship XP | 300 |
Parsteel | 19000 |
15 Minute Speed Ups | 6 |
So the second mission of the chain, “Iteration,” will reward you with either 12 Latinum, 9,000 parsteel and 1,400 tritanium; or, 40 five-minute speed ups, 4 15-minute repair speed ups, and 20 2* interceptor parts.
Again, unless you’re under level 18 or so, I can’t see doing either of these missions.
Level 26+ Events
How Came I Here?
In this mid-level mission, you’ll investigate some anomalies appearing around the galaxy.
In terms of rewards, you’ll have an option in the first mission, “How Came I Here?” between 52k in officer XP, 81K Tritanium and 6 3* uncommon crystal; or 400 Ultra Recruit Tokens and 821k parsteel.
And here are the rewards for the rest of the mission chain.
Items | Amount |
3* Uncommon Gas | 9 |
Independent Credits | 15 |
15-minute Repair Speed Ups | 21 |
Three-Hour Speed Ups | 9 |
One-Day Speed Ups | 4 |
One Day Peace Shield | 1 |
Tritanium | 279,000 |
Dilithium | 60,000 |
Parsteel | 1,168,000 |
Ship XP | 2,500 |
Dark Words
Item | Amount |
3* Uncommon Crystal | 5 |
Independent Credits | 18 |
30-Minute Speed Ups | 12 |
Ultra Recruit Tokens | 400 |
Premium Recruit Tokens | 500 |
Officer XP | 14,000 |
15 Minute Speed Ups | 42 |
Parsteel | 1,480,000 |
Dilithium | 41,000 |
Tritanium | 319,000 |
Level 40 Events
Discovery Part 1, Sightings
You’ll start off by setting course for Bolarus, which is way up North, near dark space in Federation territory. You’ll need to have a ship with a warp rage of at least 54 to get there. The next stop is in Livi, which requires a warp range of 56. You’ll then have to spend 750k in Dilithum to get 7 one-day speed ups and 48 million in parsteel.
The second mission in the chain requires warp 61, and you’ll have to defeat some two mission bosses along the way. It pays out 12 independent credits, 400 ultra recruit tokens, and 656k dilithium for your trouble.
From there, you’ll have to spend 8.2 million tritanium, and 54 million parsteel in return for 32 one-hour speed ups, 9.3 million tritanium, and 400 3* interceptor parts. After a quick mission where you’ll defeat level 38 hostiles, and another mission boss, you’ll get 1.7 million dilithium.
The last mission, “They Went That Way” gives you a choice between 200 ultra recruit tokens, 28 million parsteel, and 75 3* uncommon ore; or, 800 ultra recruit tokens, 2 1 day peace shields, 12 30-minute speed ups, and 21 million parsteel.
Discovery Part 2, Fragments of the Past
This one gives you options right away. This time, you’re helping the Romulans, and your rewards will depend on whether you choose to oversee the Suliban, or the Corvallen in the first mission.
The highest warp range required for any of these missions is warp 61.
Reward | Suliban | Corvallen |
Tritanium | 3,276,000 | |
Dilithium | 1,060,600 | 656,000 |
Parsteel | 33,000,000 | 58,000,000 |
Latinum | 12 | 5 |
Speed Ups (Hours) | 76 | 136 |
Repair Speed ups (Hours) | 15 | |
Indy Credits | 18 | 0 |
3* Unc Ore | 14 | 0 |
Ultra Recruit Tokens | 800 | |
Officer XP | 180,000 | 0 |
Relocation Tokens | 1 |
So that’s all of them.