Most players don’t yet have yet unlocked the Discovery Summoning ability. There are some pay-to-play players who’ve already unlocked it. Free-to-play players may have to wait a while until they’re able to unlock it. Many players are somewhere in the middle. Whatever your style of play is, over the next month or so, you’re going to be able to unlock it.
And let me tell you, you’re going to love it.
Discovery Summoning Ability Questions You May Have
It’s actually pretty simple. Send your Discovery to the system to which you want to summon your other ship. You don’t have to jump to the system, warping will get the job done as well. First, click on the light blue diamond summons icon on the top right. It’s the one with the big red arrow pointing at it. (Editor’s note, the big red arrow does not appear in the game.)
Then, you select the little blue rectangle over the ship you want to jump (the one with the white numbers in it), And voila, you’re other ship is instantly where you want it to be, in the new system!
I made a short video of summoning in practice. You can watch it here.
You’ll need to have your R&D Department up to level 30, and you’ll need to complete all the research levels in the Cultivated Mycelium Jump Efficiency and USS Discovery Impulse Speed. Then you’ll need to complete the USS Discovery Summoning research.
A lot. Really. To complete all required 14 researches, it’s going to run you 14,570 Spore Drive Components.
(As an aside, this
Level 1 works fine. You can use your summons on a new Discovery, right out of the box
Yes. It’s the Discovery’s range that matters. If your Disco’s warp range is high enough, you could summon your Realta to Dark Space.
Either by summoning it home, or by destroying it.
We don’t talk about fight club.
Yes. It will cost you Cultivated Mycelium?
It depends on the tier of your Discovery. At tier 1, it’ll cost you 2000 Cultivated Mycelium to summon a ship. My tier 5 Discovery costs 1600 to summon another ship. Adding Paul Stamets at captain will reduce this cost even more, and maxing out his synergy will reduce it even further.
Yes. The only limit is the Mycelium.
No. No it does not.
Distance = Rate × Time. Therefore, the total head start that the first train has is 3 hours × 30 mph = 90 miles.
The second train travels at a relative rate of 30mph faster than the first train and it starts 90 miles behind the first train. Thus we can find the time it will take to overtake the first train by relating distance rate and time once again.
Time = Distance ÷ Rate
Time = 90 ÷ 30 = 3
I’ve had several people as if you could use one token to get your Discovery in, and then summon other ships in, free of token charge. Sadly, you cannot.