Like Helvia, Domitia is an original character to Star Trek Fleet Command.
The Basics
Domitia is an expert in astro-geology, her knowledge of asteriod mining is considerable, and she’s one of the few Romulans who has worked outside the Romulan Star Empire. She’s especially interested in the Federation’s approach to dilithium mining using precision phasers.
Domitia is a science officer in the Surveyors and Miners crew, and her stats are highest in defense and health. She’s a common officer, who doesn’t require any officer badges to max out.
Captain’s Ability of Domitia
Dilithium Miner – Domitia increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 20% when mining Dilithium.
Apart from some missions earlier in the game, this ability isn’t all that useful. You’ll get most of your dilithium from three sources (missions, events, and raiding) and very little of it from mining. Putting her on the Horizon would be a good combo for the dilithium mining missions.
Officer Ability
As long as the Cargo of the ship is full, Domitia increases its Warp Speed.
The only time this will really come in handy is in base raiding, when she’ll accelerate your ship’s warp speed on the way home if your cargo hold is full. You’ll team her up with Stonn to increase the capacity, and Helvia to increase your speed in getting to your target.
Unfortunately, Pike‘s Captain’s ability has no real effect on this speed factor.

In Roman history, Domitia Longina (c. AD 53-55–c. AD 126-130) was the wife of the emperor Domitian. Domitian ruled the Roman Empire from 81 to 96 AD, when he was assassinated.
It’s rumored that they had the rocky marriage, as both of them had rather public affairs and Domitian seems to have killed his wife’s lover, an actor named Paris (not this Paris) in the street. She was exiled for a while, and then brought back.
She was a direct descendant of Augustus.
There was a temple erected in her honor at Gabii.
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