Good morning Mr. and Mrs. STFC, and all the ships at sea. It’s a new year, and the final Duality Arc is here. This month we’ve got a Pakled ship for raiding, three new Klingons (kinda), missions, some new events, an event store, plus the usual battlepass, and more.
Brand New Ship – The Amalgam

We’ve got a brand new base raiding ship, the Amalgam. For me, this is a pretty big addition to the game. Given that base raiding at level 40+ is measured in billions, this can be a big timesaver. As a player whose maxed Antares is pulling almost 7 million a hit, and a big base raid can still take hours, this is a ship I want. It has the potential to be an upgrade for me.
And oh yeah, it’s a Pakled ship. So this ship will help make you strong.
Here seems like a good spot to drop the great Riker vs. the Pakleds from Lower Decks.
Here’s my full rundown on the Amalgam, with cargo capacities, and the PvE system that will let you earn refit shards for the Enterprise, Augur, D4, and the ISS Jellyfish (finally!)
Three New Klingon Officers (Or Maybe 2.5)
As someone who was getting frustrated by the waves of Federation officers we were getting in the game, it’s great to see some variety, and we get more Klingons. Or Romulans. Or whatever.

This month we get the Duras Sisters, Lursa and B’Etor, who destroyed the Enterprise-D. And we get the more obscure, but still ineteresting Ba’el.
Lursa is an uncommon Engineering officer, who will give you a reduction in the amount of cooldown time for your cloaking devices, and will reduce the amount of damage that other players do to your ship.
B’Etor is a rare Science officer, who will increase the length of time your ship can stay cloaked, and give you a bonus to hostile loot collected when on the Amalgam.
And here’s the rub on the Duras Sisters. They’re categorized as Romulan officers and are grouped in the Pride of Romulus crew with Tomalak and Sela.

It’s understandable if you’ve forgotten Ba’el. She was the Klingon-Romulan hybrid who Worf fell for in the TNG two-parter Birthright. This is the sort of obscure officer that brings a smile to my face when they’re included in the game. (And if ever the day comes when Mott the Barber gets in, whoa nelly!)
Ba’el the STFC officer is a rare Engineering officer in the Khitomer’s Revenge Crew with Martok, Gowron, and Honorguard Worf. She’ll increase the weapon damage of your ship, and increase the armor, so she’ll be a good fit for your battleships.
Battlepass Rundown
This months BP will have a bunch of event store tokens, called Talondarsek, a good bunch of shards for the new officers, Away Teams speedups, independent credits, tetryons, officer badges, event tickets, and some armada directives.
Premium Battlepass Winners
Congratulations to BlackieBlackerson from server 134, Cptnplanet from server 131, Cioxx from server 9, GELF from server 134, and BernardF from server 28 for winning this month’s contest.
In case you’re curious, here were the answers. People did better than I thought they would. I did get a bunch of messages from people saying that they had fun with it.
William T. Rikermit the Frog
Rick Berman of the People
Shari Lewis Zimmerman
Sheldon Leonard Nimoy
Meridian Troi
Exceliorion Syndicate
Event Store
The event store is here, and as such, now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!
In this month’s event store, we’ll have the previous officers from this arc, refits, cloaks, missions, and more.
The word on the street is that there will be more event store currency available than in previous arcs.
Two New Cloaking Devices

This month we’ve got two new cloaking devices available. I mean, they’re for massive G5 ships, so if you’re a level 56 player, and you’ve been itching to sneak up on someone with your Quv’Sompek (above,) or your Sanctus (below,) then this is the month for you.

I realize this only applies to an extremely small number of players, who right now likely don’t have to sneak up on anyone, but it’s there.
These will only be available through in-app purchase.
Also available for purchase this month will be another ion particle. Look for this later in the month.
There are also a few new types of events coming up later this month, including one huge PvP alliance event.