Good morning. Today we awoke to a boatload of new content, with the Exchange: Outlaws Part 2. I’m going to take you on a quick tour, in-game.
First of all, make sure you’ve updated your app in the App Store, or Google Play store. Later on today, we’ll have info on the event as they come up. There will be a Battle pass. There will also be new Outlaws missions. More on those as they become available.
Here’s the first look.
Rogue Faction Space
The purple space to the south of Federation Space is “Rogue Space”
There you’ll find a few systems where you can move your base.
Rogue space is populated by Exchange transports. They’re survey ships, and they’re powerful. Defeating them will give you “Eclipse Security Codes” that can be spent in the Rogue Faction Store.
There are three systems that require a “Rogue Traswarp cell.”
And maybe my favorite thing about Rogue Faction Space – the systems are all named for either Western Actors or Western Movies.

- Sam Peckinpah, Director
- Eli Wallach, Actor, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
- Robert Mitchum
- Sergio Leone, Director, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
- Lee Van Cleef, Actor, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Liberty Valance, character (The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence)
- Tombstone
- Yuma (3:10 to Yuma, 1957)
- Tom Doniphon, John Wayne’s character in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence
Exchange Systems
To the northeast of the Outlaw space, you’ll find a group of exchange systems. These contain the Exchange Bank armadas, both uncommon and rare. They pay out Exchange Vault Loot.
New Outlaw Research Tree
The next thing we see added in The Exchange: Outlaws Part 2 is a brand new research tree. Here’s a rundown of all the new researches available to you.
- Outlaw mechanics -Repair cost reduction for all ships
- Flying Dirty – Flat Bonus to Piercing stats for the first round of station combat
- Lightweight Engines – Bonus Warp Speed with empty cargo for all ships
- Apex Getaway Pilots – Bonus Warp Speed for all ships
- Bolstered Hulls – Bonus HHP for defense platforms
- Plutonium Bartering – Improves the cost efficiency of Common Plutonium for components
- Bolstered Shields – Bonus SHP for defense platforms
- Augmented Hull – Bonus HHP for Botany Bay
- Augmented Shields – Bonus SHP for Botany Bay
- Data Storage – Bonus Protected Cargo for Botany Bay
- Interceptor Bartering – Improves the Cost Efficiency of Interceptor parts for components
- Explorer Bartering – Improves the Cost Efficiency of Explorer parts for components
- Battleship Bartering – Improves the Cost Efficiency of Battleship parts for components
- Plutonium Bartering II – Improves the Cost Efficiency of Uncommon Plutonium for components
- Augmented Warp – Bonus warp speed for the Botany Bay
- Prime Augment Favor – Improves outputs from Augment reputation bundles in the faction store
- Augmented Impulse – Bonus impulse speed for the Botany Bay
- Stella Research – Unlocks the ability to build the Stella and grants it bonus shots vs. all Eclipse enemies
- Anarchist Weaponry – Bonus piercing states for all ships vs Eclipse hostiles
- Stella Weaponry – Bonus damage for the Stella vs Eclipse enemies
- Stella Hull – Bonus HHP for the Stella
- Hideout Weaponry – Bonus damage for all defense platforms
- Crystal Research Efficiency – Crystal cost efficiency for research
- Hideout Defenses – Bonus mitigation for defense platforms
- Augment credit yield – Improve outputs from Independent credit bundles in the Augment faction store
- Crystal Building Efficiency – Crystal cost efficiency for station modules
- Assimilated credit yield – Improve outputs from Independent credit bundles in the Borg faction store
- Rogue Hulls -Bonus HHP for all ships
- Rogue Shields – Bonus SHP for all ships
- Stella Warp – Bonus Warp Speed for the Stella
- Crafty Engineering – Bonus SHP for the Stella vs. Eclipse enemies
- Prime Stella Efficiency – Cost efficiency for unique materials for the Stella
- Eclipse Defenses – Bonus mitigation stats vs Eclipse enemies
- Apex Chop Shop – Bonus scrapping speed
- Stella Piercing – Bonus piercing stats for the Stella vs Eclipse enemies
- Plutonium Bartering III – Improves the Cost Efficiency of Rare Plutonium for components
- Stella Defenses – Bonus mitigation stats for the Stella vs Eclipse enemies
- Eclipse Targeting – Bonus Crit chance for all ships vs Eclipse enemies
- Eclipse Weakpoints – Bonus Crit damage for all ships vs Eclipse enemies
- Station Targeting – Bonus Crit change for defense platforms
- Gas Building Efficiency – Gas cost efficiency for station modules
- Energy Guerilla Warfare – Bonus Energy Damage for the Stella vs Eclipse enemies
- Gas Research Efficiency – Gas cost efficiency for research
- Kinetic Guerilla Warfare – Bonus Kinetic Damage for the Stella vs Eclipse enemies
- Prime Rogue Credit Yield – Improve output of Rogue Credit Bundles in the faction store
- Rogue Tactics – Bonus Damage for all ships vs Eclipse enemies
- Apex Rogue Notoriety – Improve output of Rogue Reputation Bundles in the faction store
- Stella Targeting – Bonus crit chance for the Stella vs Eclipse enemies
- Enhanced Weaponry – Bonus damage in PvP for all ships
- Merciless Outlaw – Bonus Crit Damage for the Stella vs Eclipse enemies
- Armada Armor Piercing – Bonus Armor Piercing vs all Armada Targets
- Ore Research – Ore cost efficiency for research
- Armada Defense – Bonus Armor vs all Armada Targets
- Armada Accuracy – Bonus Accuracy vs all Armada Targets
- Ore Building Efficiency – Ore cost efficiency for station modules
- Armada Evasion – Bonus Dodge vs all Armada Targets
- Armada Shield Piercing – Bonus Shield Piercing vs all Armada Targets
- G4 Ship Repairs – Repair cost reduction for all G4 ships
- Out of the Darkness – Unlock a special Khan mission in the Rogue faction store
- Mudd’s Mudd – Unlock a special Mudd mission in the Rogue faction store
- Getaway Pilots II – Bonus warp speed for all ships
- G4 Impulse – Bonus impulse speed for all G4 ships
- Sneaky Backhander – Unlock a weekly independent credit gift in the Rogue Faction Store
- Tritanium Upgrades – Tritanium cost efficiency for ship upgrades
- Dilithium Upgrades – Dilithium cost efficiency for ship upgrades
The Stella
The Stella is named for Mudd’s estranged wife. You’ll need to have a level 27 shipyard and to complete research to build her.
And it looks like you’ll be building her a lot, as it’s designed as a build-and-scrap-and-build ship. And there are a lot of Outlaw research upgrades to improve her.
Scrapping her will give you research points that you’ll need for Outlaw research.
Of course, you may think a Streetcar Named Desire When you hear Stella. I’ll always go to Back to the Future.
Other New Stuff in Exchange: Outlaws Part 2.
- You can’t hide under mining nodes or mission planets anymore. It’s too bad, I had a lot of fun doing so for about an hour last night. But no more!
- Admiral Marcus officer ability is now fixed. He now actually penetrates shields rather than armor.
- Fixed an issue with G4 crit chance not working properly
- Fixed the missing Corrupted and Decoded Data nodes in Augment space.
- Fixed an issue with the Franklin Warp Conduit indicating to be acquired by completing Franklin Part 2 instead of Franklin Part 3
- Fixed an issue with the Synergy group “Shakedown Cruise” causing ships to become nonfunctional in battle (Pike + Moreau + Leslie)
- Fixed an issue with the first event of an event bucket not showing its headline.
- Fixed an issue with player levels not showing correctly in different zoom levels in the system.
- Fixed an issue with the upgrade inconsistency of the level 42 Drydock.
- Fixed an issue where promoting or demoting Alliance members would skip ranks.
- Fixed an issue where the WiFi symbol remains stuck on the screen even though the connection is stable.
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