The Basics
Klaa is the commander and leader of the Glory in the Kill crew, made up of the arguably the most disappointing group of Klingons in the history of the Star Trek franchise, the Klingons from Star Trek V (which was by far the most disappointing Star Trek movie.)
In Star Trek Fleet Command however, Klaa and his The Glory in the Kill crew is actually quite useful. They’re an effective the early-game Player-vs-Player crew, with a lot of useful bonuses among their Officer Abilities.
Captain’s Ability
Hot Pursuit – Increases the Impulse Speed of the ship by 25%.
The weakness of onscreen Klaa aside, he’s actually a pretty useful officer. Combine him with Kras and Komal and you’re going to be zipping around like nothing. This comes in very useful during the Latinum Rush on Ferengi Monday when you’re attacking overprotected D’Vors.
It’s also very useful when raiding bases, pairing Stonn for increased capacity.
He can also be fun to use on the Realta.
Ships captained by Pan will go a little bit faster due to synergy, but Klaa is still a useful officer.

Officer Ability
Critical Strike – increases the Critical Hit Damage of the ship by (8% 10% 13% 17% 20%)
Klaa’s officer ability often goes overlooked, but it can be very effective. Try adding him to a Gorkon crew on the Saladin with its big gun, and Gorkon’s increased chances of a critical hit. Combine this with Kerla’s increase to critical hit damage with kinetic weapons, and you could end a lot of battles really, really quickly.
Is He Worth Spending a Command Badge On?
Not unless you’ve already upgraded everyone else you’re going to. He’s a command officer, and there are a lot of officers that you could spend those badges on. Klaa will only cost you one badge to get to tier 5, but the upgrade from 17% to 20% for critical hits isn’t enough for me – especially because you’re usually only going to be using the Klaa crew to attack overprotected miners.
Carnac’s Rating
Klaa gets three stars from me. He’s an officer you’re going to get early in the game, and use for a long, long time. He’s not great for PvP, but when you’re cleaning out a base, you’re going to want to be able to get him into the captain’s chair quickly.
Star Trek II had the great Ricardo Montalban for a villain. Star Trek III had the dynamic Christopher Lloyd. Star Trek IV had no villain at all.
And Star Trek V had Lawrence Luckinbill as Sybok. Not really menacing at all. More like a con artist. The guy we were supposed to be menaced by was Klaa, performed by Todd Morgan. I know that they were trying to make Star Trek V a comedic film, but really, this is what we got from Klaa.
He blows up a Satellite.
He Shoots and misses at the Enterprise
And then he apologizes to Kirk.
More about Todd Morgan
I’ll forgive you if you’ve never heard of Todd Morgan.
He’s been a bit player in 38 movies and TV shows. He was Neil in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning. He was ” Skip ‘Kahuna Jr.’ Savage” on an episode of The New Gidget, and who doesn’t remember that show. He was on an episode of 21 Jump Street.
And he guest-starred on Valerie (the show where the lead actress, Valerie Harper quit, and was replaced by Sandy Duncan. The show was renamed The Hogan Family.) He was even on Murder, She Wrote.
And somehow he winds up as Klaa. There are many problems with Star Trek V, from the script, the awful special effects – but the casting is certainly a problem.
This is to take nothing away from Todd Morgan, who has had a long and distinguished career as a stunt coordinator. But it’s a poorly written part, and he struggled in the part.