The Augur is an awesome ship. It’s stunning to look at, and it packs quite a wallop. It’s shaped like an attacking bird, wings extended, claws ready to attack. This is going to be the hammer in your toolbelt.
The Ship Ability of the Augur – Obliterate
“As long as the opponent’s ship is Burning, if the opponent is hit with the Obliterator weapon, the AUGUR increases all damage by…”
The amount of damage increases by level. This bonus starts off at 50% and tops off at 140% at level 45.
The Weaponry of the Augur

The Augur has three weapons, and it loves to use them. It’s got two kinetic cannons, and the only weapon in the game (as far as I know) that has a nickname.
“The Obliterator.”
The two cannons each fire twice in every single round. The obliterator fires in the second round, and then again every three rounds thereafter.
So not only does each of the weapons do quite a bit of damage, but they fire often. You’re going to do a lot of damage with this ship.
As much as it is an impressive gun, I do have a hard time reading “Obliterator” and not thinking of the “Eradicator” from The Kids in the Hall.
What the Augur is Good At
Pretty much everything. It’s a great base-cracker. The Augur is good against hostiles. It’s great against mission bosses. And it’s good in close-quarters PvP. It’s also a great ship against Armadas because unlike the Rare Faction Ships (Intrepid, Gladius, and B’Rel) its Ship Ability actually works against Armadas.
What It’s Not Good At
Like most battleships, it’s slow. You’re not going to be chasing anyone down in the brute of a ship.
Crewing the Augur
Like other faction epic ships, it’s Ship Ability is tied to an officer’s ability. In this case, burning. So long as the opponent’s ship is burning, you’ll get a big total weapon damage bonus in rounds where the Obliterator hits the enemy ship.
So it’s really designed for use with the “Nero’s Crew” or “Romulan Patriots” groups, which are all about burning. (Sort of like the Talking Heads, and also the um… Talking Heads. If you could crew the Augur with David Byrne, it would be really deadly.)
Here are all the officers in the game that can either cause a ship to burn (featured in red), or take advantage of burning (featured in yellow.)
Officer | Captain’s Maneuver | Officer Ability |
Nero | Joy in Vengeance – At the beginning of each round, if the opponent’s ship is Burning, Nero increases the Damage of the weapons by 40%. | See the Flaws – Every time the ship strikes the opponent, Nero has a 25% chance of Burning it for two rounds. |
Kumak | Discipline – At the beginning of each round, Kumak increases the stats of all Officers on the ship by 5%. | Watch the World Burn – As long as the enemy ship is Burning, Kumak increases the Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge of the ship by 40%. |
Vemet | Romulan Tenacity – If the ship survives an attack that depletes its shields and is destroyed in one of the following attacks during the same battle, the battle is lost but Vemet heals 5% of the Hull Health and the ship survives. | Feel the Heat – At the beginning of each round, if the opponent’s ship is Burning. Vemet decreases its Shield Health by an amount equal to 20% of the Health of all Officers on the ship. |
Arix | Plasma Backlash – Every time the opponent is hit by an energy weapon, Arix has a 10% chance of Burning it. | Powered Armor – As long as the ship’s Hull Health is under 70% of its value at the start of combat, Arix increases its Armor by 15%. |
Liviana Charvanek | Romulan Tactitian – When the ship’s Hull Health goes under 70%, Charvanek has an 80% chance of Burning the opponent for 3 rounds. | Mind Games – At the start of combat, Charvanek increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by 100% of the Health of the crew on the ship. |
Mirek | Burning Vengeance – Every time the ship gets hit, Mirek has a 20% chance of Burning the opponent’s ship for 1 round. | Acid Bitterness – Mirek increases the Damage against Federation ships by 25% of the crew’s Defense. |
Tal | Loyal Officer – When fighting Battleships, Tal increases the Weapon damage of the ship by 20%. | Resistance – As long as the opponent ship is Burning, Tal decreases its Hull Health by 5% each turn. |
D’jaoki | War of Endurance – After winning combat, D’jaoki increases the Health of all officers on the ship by 10% for 1 minute. | Shatter Defenses – As long as the opponent’s ship is Burning, D’jaoki decreases the opponent’s crew Health by 20%. |
Severus | Spreading Fire – When the ship is Burning from the opponent, Severus decreases the opponent’s Hull Health by 10% each round. | Exploit Overheat – When the ship is Burning from the opponent, Severus increases the Damage of the ship by 20%. |
This is not to say that you couldn’t use the Pike Crew on the Augur to kill hostiles. I generally don’t, but that’s because I tend to have them on the Intrepid, where I find them to be more effective.
Building the Augur
In order to launch this beast, you’re going to need 150 blueprints, a level 34 Shipyard, and a Respected Reputation with the Romulans. Unfortunately, you can’t grind out Augur, and missions only give you one Augur blueprint. Total.
If you’re going to spend money on an Augur, I recommend going with the Ultra Romulan Recruit Pack, if available, as opposed to the Augur ship pack. You’ll be able to use the Romulan Credits to get just about as many Augur blueprints, and you’ll get officer badges.
The key to getting your Augur without spending a lot of money is going to be consistently working those Romulan reputation events, hunting faction messages in Federation space, and opening as many Rare and Epic Armada chests as possible.
Use my Faction Blueprint Calculator to find out how soon you could build your Augur.
What does it Cost to Upgrade?
In a word – Ore. You will need more ore. More ore than you can shake a stick at. And then you’ll need more ore. (From LCARS 2.0)

The Augur itself would seem to be an original creation for Star Trek Fleet Command. It looks like a combination between the D’deridex class and Valdore-type ships from TNG and Nemesis.
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Thanks for reading.
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