Marlena Moreau is one of the more obscure characters in Star Trek Fleet Command. She’s also one of the most important, as the M in the amazing PMC crew (Pike Moreau Chen). The character debuted in the Original Series episode Mirror, Mirror, along with her mirror universe counterpart.
We first met the mirror version of Moreau, who was mirror Kirk’s “Captain’s woman.”
When Kirk returns to his own universe, he’s surprised to meet Moreau as a yeoman.
Captain Maneuver
Her captain’s ability is a bit of a dud. Her “Keep Going” maneuver will restore your ship’s shield health by 40%. Since your shield health will heal on its own in a manner of seconds, this isn’t all that useful. But she more than makes up for it with her amazing officer ability.
Marlena Moreau’s Officer Ability – No Fear
Marlena Moleau’s No Fear ability decreases the Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing, and Accuracy of hostiles. Combining her with Pike’s Captain Maneuver will greatly increase this ability. Combining the two of them with Chen against hostiles that feature energy weapons, or with T’Laan against hostiles that feature kinetic weapons will mitigate an enormous amount of damage. You’ll be able to defeat much, much larger hostiles. You’ll use this crew to kill faction hostiles, swarm, and borg.
You’ll want to promote Morleau as much as you can. She’s worth an officer badge, or more.

Actress BarBara Luna, who portrayed Marlena Moreau was in seemingly everything over 65 years in show business. In a career that started with an appearance on the long-running soap opera, Search for Tomorrow in 1951, when she was just 12-years-old. From there she’s amassed 108 film and TV credits.
She’s also had an extensive career on the stage, appearing in many musicals, highlighted by five productions of West Side Story. She was a mainstay on 60’s TV, making guest appearances on TV Westerns like Have Gun – Will Travel, Zorro, Bonanza, Death Valley Days, Gunsmoke, The Big Valley, The High Chaparral.
Luna also made guest appearances on The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Mission: Impossible (with Leonard Nimoy), The Untouchables, and The Outer Limits.
She then made the rounds in the ’70s and ’80s, showing up on Hawaii Five-O, Cannon, Mannix, Kung Fu, The Six Million Dollar Man and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.
And of course, she made another appearance with William Shatner in T. J. Hooker.
Then, in 2004, she returned to Trek (kinda) appearing on Star Trek: New Voyages. She’s to appear with a Trek-heavy cast in Unbelievable!!!!!, which is scheduled to be released in 2020.
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