Server mergers are coming to select servers in Star Trek Fleet Command, and now it’s server vs. server competition in the Quantum Assault Event. In order to win you’ve got to A) do your job and finish your events, and B) get as many other players on your server to do the same.
Your Job
So the event in your game will show up under “Special Events.”

Clicking on that will take you to the Quantum Assault events screen. That will look very much like this.

Your goal will be to earn as many Quantum Tokens as you can. Those are the little green circles that have the Greek letter Psi on them. To do so, you’ll need to score points in two events, and doing so will carry over to a couple of other places.
Those Quantum tokens, by the way, will be redeemable at an exclusive event store after the event.
Now, here’s a breakdown of each of the three events that you’ll see in the game.
Quantum Prep – Armadas

You can score here in one of two ways, either by doing damage to armada targets, or by donating to your alliance. So if you’re sitting on a boatload of uncommon armada tokens, now would be a great time to use them.
Or, if you’re an alliance that’s looking to move to the next level and add a few more members before the merge, this is another way to get rewarded for doing that.
Quantum Prep – Dissimilation

In this event, you’ll need to kill hostiles. The higher level hostile you kill, the better. The “Special Hostiles” are Borg probes, so you’ll get three times as many points for killing those as you would for regular hostiles.
The points are formatted much the same way as you’ve seen in the Crucible of War events in the past, which is to say they increase dramatically at the higher levels. Level 30 hostiles give 340 points, level 40s give 3,770 points… and the big level 49 traders in Sol, Romulus and Kronos will reward you with 286,570 points.
My ISS Jellyfish got through this event in one run, but this one would be a real chore without it or a high-tier G3 epic like the Enterprise or Augur.
The Quantum Assault Event

The first event you’ll see on your screen and the last one I’ll discuss here is the server-wide Quantum Assault event. So don’t think that you’re going to be able to do this one all by yourself. You’re going to be able to score a maximum of 3,000 tokens in each event (6k total,) and one point per token, so 8.26 million is a little bit out of the question. But if you and 1,376 of your closest friends also reach the max number of also reach their milestones, you’ll max out your faction store rewards for this event.
Again, don’t freak out if you’ve finished both of the other events and you still see some work to do here. This just means you’ve got to push the other players on your server. Share this article with them if it helps. (One of the main reasons I started writing this blog was that I found myself writing the same explanations over and over again in chats and discord.)
The Server vs. Server Part of Quantum Assault

The event itself is really more of a series of events. You’ll find this scoreboard at
The objective is to collectively outscore the other server every day. If your server wins the day, you’ll get a certain number of trophies that will go towards your total for the event. If your two servers by some miracle finish with the exact same number of quantum tokens for the day, the server that’s killed the most hostiles will be victorious.

As you can see, the first two days are worth 100 trophies each, the second two are 200 trophies each, and the last three days are 300 trophies each.
The winning server will get to stay on their server, have preference for current base locations, and keep their server #.
They’ll also get a contented avatar. The losing server will get a sad avatar.

Random Potpurri
Since I’ve been strapped for time today, and this article isn’t all that Trekkie, here’s a random clip of Leonard Nimoy showing up in full Spock regalia for a sketch on The Carol Burnett Show.