This is part 2 of a three part series. Click here for part 1.
Eurydice is an epic engineering officer.
Captain’s Maneuver – Opportunist: When taking shield damage, increase damage by 10%.
As captain’s maneuver’s go, for an Epic officer, this one’s underwhelming. Granted, increased damage is always a good thing, and it’s going to fire in every round, so long as you’ve got shields. Synergy is really going to be key here, as you can get her ability up to 20%, and that’s going to make twice the impact.
Officer’s Ability – Delta Quadrant Technology: (35% 45% 55% 65% 75%) Chance to regenerate 5% of shields when they’re depleted
My initial tests showed that this does work, and since you need to take some shield damage for her captain’s ability to work, this is made a little more important. But it’s nothing compared to say, Spock’s ability to give you a huge shield boost.
Again, for an Epic, it seems that this should make more of an impact. But I’m going to be doing a lot more testing as we go forward, so we’ll see how big of a difference this actually makes.
Trivia – In Greek mythology, Eurydice was the wife of Orpheus. After her death, Orpheus traveled to the Underworld to retrieve her.
“After his music softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone, his singing so sweet that even the Erinyes wept, he was allowed to take her back to the world of the living.
The condition was attached that he must walk in front of her and not look back until both had reached the upper world. Soon he began to doubt that she was there, suspecting that Hades had deceived him. Just as he reached the portals of Hades and daylight, he turned around to gaze on her face, and because Eurydice had not yet crossed the threshold, she vanished back into the Underworld. When Orpheus later was killed by the Maenads at the orders of Dionysus, his soul ended up in the Underworld where he was reunited with Eurydice.” – Wikipedia

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Ro Mudd

Harry Mudd’s half-Bajoran daughter, Ro Mudd is a rare command officer. Her stats stack towards attacking.
Her captain’s maneuver is “Endless Ambition.” This increases her stats by 50% when she’s the captain. This ability isn’t all that useful, as her stats aren’t all that great, to begin with.
Ro’s Officer Ability is “Fatal Charm.” This will give you a (20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%) chance of increasing the damage done by the ship by 300% of the total attack stats of all officers on the ship.
While her captain’s maneuver isn’t great, her officer ability is pretty great. Especially on the Stella, which already packs quite a wallop, she’s going to make each of those shots much more effective… and if you put Disco Mudd with her, and his chance for double shots in the first round, you can do a lot of damage in a hurry.
I’m going to go over this more in the next part of this series, but Disco Mudd and Ro Mudd work really well together, with new Mudd’s 98% mitigation going for two rounds, and Ro’s massive damage increase potentially defeating your enemy before they have a chance to respond.
Ro Mudd trivia – Since Bajoran naming customs put the family name first, Ro Mudd has two family names and no given name.

Ro Trivia – The character of Ro Mudd is named for Ro Laren from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Ro Laren was supposed to be one of the leads on Deep Space Nine, but since actress Michelle Forbes didn’t want to be tied down to a long-term series, the character was replaced by that of Major Kira Nerys, played by Nana Visitor.

The odd-looking visitor from another galaxy, Ahvix is a rare engineering officer who wants nothing more than to get home. Sound familiar? Or familiar?
Captain’s Maneuver – Chirurgical Precision: When fighting Eclipse hostiles (including armadas) for the first three rounds of combat, Ahvix increases the chances of a critical hit by 20%.
I’m looking forward to testing this with Disco Mudd, and his chances of double shots – 20% (more with synergy) chance of double the number of shots in the first round – this will be big on a Stella. It already fires four times in the first round, now you’re going to have 8 chances to get an early critical knockout.
I can see this one getting much more effective as you work on your Stella tech.
On the other hand, Disco Mudd’s captain’s maneuver is much more effective, and I’m not sure when you’d use Ahvix instead of Mudd, but this is of course, for science!
Officer Ability -Shield Remodulation: When fighting Eclipse hostiles (including armadas) Ahvix has a (25% 30% 35% 40% 50%) to reduce the Shield Deflection, Armor and Dodge on Eclipse opponents by 40%.
It would seem that this ability is badly named, as shield remodulation is something that the defending ship would do to protect itself against attack, as the Enterprise-D did in fighting against the Borg.
But anyway, any chance you can get to reduce the amount of mitigation that you’re opponent is doing means that you’ll do more damage to their hull, and you’ll be more likely to win the battle you’re in.
And as with most of the Rogue officer abilities, it’s a dice roll as to whether it will actually work. But when it does, it’s going to make you much more successful.
Disclosure – I received these officers from Scopely for the purpose of reviewing them.
Next up – Part 3, Testing the Rogues