Quick one for a football Sunday. But I wanted to give you something today that will help you out. One of the questions I’ve gotten more than any is, “Hey Carnac, why haven’t you created a Star Trek Fleet Command map yet?”
And for them, I have a simple answer…
It’s just not something I really know how to do. I’m sure I probably could figure it out, and then spend a lot of time compiling a map. On the other hand, I’d have no time to do just about any other articles during that time, I’d have to ignore my family for a while, skip my Rotary commitments.
And even then, I’m not sure I could do as good a job as JoeyCrash from Server 15 and the STFC Pro map.
Star Trek Fleet Command Map Improvements
One of the ways the in-game map has been improved over the last year has been the addition of resource symbols to the galaxy map.
But JoeyCrash’s map does that one better. It lets you see not only materials and resources, but also armadas, and station locations.

It’s got places to put your base, plus they’ve started working on Dark Space. It’s also got swarm, separatists, borg, eclipse and augment locations mapped.
The only way I could see making it better is to add the types of hostiles in each system – but again, beggars can’t be choosers.
If you’re a player, like me, who plays with an open laptop while you play the game on your phone, then this is an extremely valuable resource.
So thanks to JoeyCrash for putting a great deal of work in. Can’t wait to see what you add next.
Happy Sunday everyone.
PS –
If you missed it in Discord, make sure you’re ready for the Strength in Numbers Alliance event tomorrow, September 14th. Here’s the announcement from Gala:
“Commanders, We will be introducing a new event tomorrow called Strength in Numbers as we work in parallel to fix the issues with the Anomalous Phenomena events.
How the Strength in Numbers (ALB) event works: Start: – US: Monday (9/14) – 5:30 pm PST – EU: Monday (9/14) – 5:30 pm CET – APAC: Tuesday (9/15) – 5:30 pm JST Duration: 1 hour Scoring: Team up with your Alliance to destroy as many hostiles and mine as much Mycelium in any of the 15 new Anomaly systems
Note: 2 of the 15 systems will provide a point multiplier for killing hostiles and mining nodes but the 2 selected systems will be a mystery. It’s up to you and your alliance to coordinate and determine the bonus point systems. Thank you for your continued patience! Live Long & Prosper! Gala“