As I’m trying to catch up, and get every officer covered before I fall hopelessly behind as Scopely adds prime universe character after prime universe character, here’s the rest of the Starfleet Academy crew. I’ve already covered T’Laan and Grace Chen, who are probably the most useful of that crew. These are also some of the first officers you get in Star Trek Fleet Command, so I think this should help a lot of newer players.
Generally, they’re your early hostile hunting officers, and hunting hostiles is a great way to finish your daily goals, and get goody chests with speed-ups, ship blueprints, materials, and more.
Keep in mind that these officers are geared to work towards hostiles, and as such, will have no effect at all against other players, or mission bosses. They are cheap to upgrade, and other than Gonzales, don’t require any officer badges to upgrade. (Don’t spend a badge on upgrading Gonzales.)
So here’s the rest of that crew.

Of all the officers here, Gaila is the only one you’ll really be using at higher levels on a regular basis – and even that is in a very limited role.
Gaila’s captain’s maneuver increases the Parsteel rewards for defeating a Hostile by 25%.
Her officer ability is Critical Avoidance – If the opponent is a Hostile, Gaila decreases the damage from its Critical Hits by (10% 20% 30% 40% 50%.)
In a Rogue Armada, she can use her Officer Ability, if you combine her with Pike and Moreau, she’ll completely eliminate the critical hits against your entire armada. Keep in mind that you only should only have one person in your armada to have Gaila on board. Any more than that is a waste.
Shev Akria

Shev Captain’s maneuver is “Tritanium Hunter.” increases the Tritanium rewards for defeating a Hostile by 25%. Nice for beginners, useless for higher level players.
If the opponent is a Hostile, Shev increases the damage of the Energy Weapons of the ship by (5% 7% 10% 15% 20%.)
The key to making this work is to make sure you’re running a ship that has energy weapons – i.e., battleships, surveys, or explorers. For example, he’d be great on your Realta, or Corvette, which both fire energy weapons, but useless on your Phindra, which has only two kinetic weapons.
Vel K’Bentayr

Dilithium Hunter – Vel increases the Dilithium rewards for defeating a Hostile by 25%.
Chirurgical Precision – If the opponent is a Hostile, Vel increases the damage made by the Kinetic Weapons of the ship by (5% 7% 10% 15% 20%.)
So Vel’s abilities are the flip side of Shev’s. He’s good on ships featuring kinetic weapons, which at lower levels means your interceptors. If you’re running anything other than a Phindra, you can leave Vel either below decks, or in your station.
Lucia Gonzales

If the opponent is a Hostile, Gonzales increases the chances of dealing a Critical Hit by 8%.
Problem Solver – If the opponent is a Hostile, Gonzales increases the damage of Critical Hits by (5% 10% 15% 20% 30%.)
So if you don’t have a lot of officers, Gonzalez is a good fall-back. Critical hits can be a big part of your game, but against hostiles, generally the name of the game is reducing the amount of damage your ship is taking. But if it’s all you’ve got, it’s all you’ve got.
I could imagine a player at high levels mixing say, Kahn and his ability to increase the number of
Starfleet Academy Crew Background
The entirety of this crew has its origins in the IDW comic book series. And as such, there’s not a lot of background on them.
Below, you can see Orion Starfleet Academy Cadet Gaila, not to be confused with Gaila, Quark’s cousin (also below). Experts will be able to spot the difference.
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She’s the only one of the Starfleet Academy crew to have actually appeared onscreen in a Star Trek production, having been Cadet Uhura’s roommate in Star Trek (2009.) She was portrayed by actress Rachel Nichols (not to be confused with sports reporter Rachel Nichols.)
Shev Akira is an Andorian engineering officer.

Vel K’Bentayr is a Monchezkin medical cadet at Starfleet Academy. He shares the same last name Lieutenant Alnschloss K’Bentayr and might be related (who knows?) to appeared (briefly) on the bridge of the USS Kelvin in Star Trek (2009.)
However, there is likely no relation at all to the woman who’s songs get in my head whenever I see this guys name.
Hit me with your best shot as to who that may be.
Lucia Gonzalez was born in Barcelona in 2240. That’s all I got. I really can’t wait to start writing articles about characters who we’ve seen on screen.

But on the bright side, that’s coming soon.
Cover and other cartoon images from Memory Beta. For educational purposes only.