After Grace Chen, the second most important of the Starfleet Academy crew is T’Laan. She’s your go-to officer for fighting hostiles that feature kinetic weapons, like swarm.
Captain’s Maneuver
“Thorough Scans.” This increases the Ship Experience gained by fighting Hostiles by 15%.
This ability was broken for a long, long time. But it was corrected in patch 21 and is now back and extremely useful in leveling up your ships.
The Officer Ability of T’Laan
Objective Defense – If the opponent is Hostile, T’Laan decreases the Damage done by its Kinetic Weapons by (5%, 7%, 10%, 15%, 20%.)
As Grace Chen is to hostiles that use energy weapons, T’Laan is to those with kinetic weapons. This means she’ll be on your regular rotation any time you’ve got to defeat a hostile interceptor.
She’ll certainly be in your regular crew when it comes to fighting swarm with your Franklin. Pair her with Pike and Moreau if you have them, otherwise, you can put Cadet Uhura as captain, with Instructor Spock as the other crew member. The key is reducing damage to let the Franklin’s attack bonus have more chances for hits.
Keep in mind that both her captain’s maneuver and officer ability are useless against both other players and mission bosses.
Apropos of Nothing
The first two Vulcan women to have the T’ at the beginning of her name were T’Pring and T’Pau.
And every time I see any of their names, T’Pring, T’Pau, T’Pol or now T’Laan, I go right to the ’80s and the band, T’Pau. Then I get “Heart and Soul” in my head for an hour.
Like now.

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T’Laan T’Rivia

Like the rest of the Starfleet Academy Crew, she has her origins in the IDW comic books.
According to Memory Beta, T’Laan enrolled in Starfleet Academy on the same day as the destruction of Vulcan.
Having read through her bio, the most notable thing about her is that she apparently mind-melded with a dead man.
So there’s that.