Undercover Mission Chain Walk-through

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Undercover Mission Part One

You’ll start the undercover mission by “confronting” Starfleet investigator Leif Morey in your system. Leif kinda looks like Lindsey Buckingham. You’ll then head to Niawellin to continue the investigation. He wants to know who’s funding the Orion Syndicate.

There you’ll meet up with Dehk Krioss, who looks a little like a young Telly Savalas. He’ll ask for a bribe of 600k tritanium.

After you pay him off, he’ll give you directions to the planet Gorvax, the planet you’re already next to, and set you up to infiltrate the Orion Base. You’ll be rewarded with 22 three-hour speed ups and 77k dilithium.

Undercover Part Two

You’ll start by killing 10 ships of level-27 or higher. Since you’re probably doing faction hunt right now, this isn’t any extra work. And on the bright side, it’s not data mining.

And then you’re going to have to retreat… for some reason. You’ll go from Niawellin to Willania. (If you aren’t already aware, it doesn’t have to be the same ship that “retreats,” your closest one will do fine.)

Since all of my ships were off doing other things, and my Augur was still four minutes away, I listened to some music. Holiday Road by Lindsey Buckingham. Enjoy it.

Once you’ve enjoyed Holiday Road, killed some more faction ships, and mined yet more data, you should have arrived in Willania. There you’ll get a notification that you’ve hit a dead end. Yep. And that you’ll have to return to your base to await further instructions. When you get there, you’ll find 35 one-hour speed ups and 1.3 million in parsteel waiting for you.

undercover mission dehk joss

Undercover Part Three

Now that you’ve gotten home… it’s time to head right back to Willania. There you’ll meet up with Dehk again. And, I’m sure you’ll be surprised by this, but he wants another bribe. This time it’s 200k dilithium. He doesn’t know a lot, but he does know the name of a Starfleet investigator, Eliza Joss. That’s Leif’s boss, so it’s decided that you should go pay her a visit.

But not until you defeat a 104k interceptor. In the battle Leif is hurt, Dehk tells you to quit, but Leif wants to continue the mission. Of course, the next part of the mission involves going back to your base.

Once you get back to the station, Leif will want to talk to Joss. The computer will tell him to take a break to heal. He won’t take no for an answer, he just wants to investigate the Orion Syndicate, or whatever’s behind all of this. Once you’ve clicked through this exchange. you’ll be rewarded with 13 Independent Credits, 23 3*-uncommon refined crystal, and 500 Federation credits.

Undercover Mission Part Four

You take Leif to Losti to confront Joss. Joss wants to know why Leif is still going on about the Orions after all the Borg stuff that just went down. Leif accuses Joss of being involved. She denies it, and she’s upset by this.

He directly asks her if she’s involved. She fires him. He asks again. You’ll then have to fight off a 293k “Federation Guardship” that doesn’t look like any Federation ship I’ve ever seen.

Joss does not approve of you destroying this ship at all. She wants to arrest Leif. He welcomes the idea of a trial. She doesn’t want a trial and instead wants to kill him with her really weak Intrepid – which is somehow a 296k explorer.

After you kill Joss, you’ll have to … have to return to your station. I know you’re shocked. Once you get there, Leif will tell you that the problem seems to go higher in Starfleet ranks.

Part four rewards you with two one-day speed ups, four eight-hour speed ups, and six five-hour speed ups.


Part Five

Part five of the Undercover mission chain starts with a distress call from Leif. You’ll head towards Seevor. (Warning, don’t click on the Seevor link. Extremely obscure 80s reference warning.)

Once you get there, the computer will tell you that Leif’s ship is gone. A disfigured mercenary will try to stop you. He’s got a 305k Interceptor.

disfigured mercenary


After you dispatch the mercenary ship, you’ll follow Leif’s trail to the Krlakh system. Once you get there, he wants you to take the evidence.

An Orion boss feels differently, He’s in a 293k battleship. Once you kill him, you’ll be presented with two options.

  • Take the evidence and give it to Starfleet. This option gives you nine 260 corrupted data, 9 3* uncommon ore and 9 3* uncommon crystal
  • Destroy the Evidence so you stop getting attacked. This gives you 8 independent credits and 14 3* uncommon ore.

options undercover mission

I decided to take the evidence from your undercover mission. Then you’ll move next to Leif’s ship. You get the evidence. Leif’s ship explodes. Sadness ensues. And then, you’ll return to your station. Again.

Make sure to collect the Unlikely Partnership Rewards.

The end.


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