The Vi’Dar was introduced to Star Trek Fleet Command as the ship to fight the Borg in February 2020, but it has far more uses than that. It’s an extremely quick interceptor at impulse power and has the protected cargo and total capacity to rival some survey ships.
So today I’m going to go over some of the uses of the Vi’Dar, but it’s on-label and off-label uses.
How Does One Get a Vi’Dar?
The Vi’Dar was made available as part of the Borg arc. Currently, there’s no way of getting the blueprints. But, it wouldn’t be surprising to see them available for sale in the near future. It takes 100 blueprints and a shipyard of level 25 to build.
Using Your Vi’Dar
The Vi’Dar’s Ship Ability is “Cybernetic Augmentation” which gives it a massive damage increase against Borg hostiles. This starts at 24,000%at level 1 and tops out at 35,000% at level 45.
You’ll want to experiment for yourself what level will maximize your haul of “inert nanoprobes.” In my experience, I can get the most from hitting level 29s, but it takes forever. Currently, I’m just going after level 33s. I can get all I need to refine once a day (about 50k per trip), and without the endless monotony of hitting 29s.

Crew Suggestions
For hunting Borg probes, you can go with Five of Ten (Borg Jaylah) as captain, with Eight of Ten and Seven of Ten as officers.
If you don’t have them, I’d suggest going with Pike, Moreau, and Chen for all but the level 29s. In those, replace Chen with T’Laan.
In the event that you don’t have Pike, you can go with Cadet Uhura as Captain, with T’Laan and Chen as officers.
The name of the game is reducing damage so that the Vi’Dar’s damage bonus can be used as often as possible.

When hunting Latinum from overprotected D’Vors, go with either the Pan crew or the Klaa crew, maxed for synergy. You could also throw in Helvia to get to these systems as fast as possible.
You’re going to defeat every D’Vor you come across, but there will be plenty of bigger ships out there who might see you as prey. The cargo this ship gives you (see chart below) and speed should help you avoid just about anyone coming after you – and keep you from losing any Latinum if they should happen to catch you.
The Vi’Dar stores cargo like a survey ship. It’s amazing. And it’s this, along with its tremendous impulse speed that makes it a great cargo raider. If I was a lower level player and didn’t have an Antares or a Horizon, I’d even consider it for emptying out bases.
Cost to own
It’s an interceptor, so in addition to the Charged Nanoprobes, be prepared to spend a a lot of crystal.

Weaponry and Firing Pattern

The V’idar has three types of weapons. Its energy weapon is composed of phaser turrets that fire every other round.
On my tier 8 Vi’Dar, the phasers are doing 11k to 14k damage per round.
It’s got a Photon Torpedo Launcher that fires every round after round one, doing 10k to 12k damage per round on my T8.
The big gun here is the railgun, which fires every three rounds starting with round three. This one does an 39k to 48k damage per round.

Vi’Dar Background
The Vi’Dar is an original ship to Star Trek Fleet Command, but it’s loosely based on the Narada from Star Trek (2009.) If the Narada and the Gladius had a baby, it would be this ship.
The Narada was designed by James Clyne. Production designer Scott Chambliss wanted the ship to be asymmetrical, in contrast to the “perfect symmetry” of the Enterprise. Chambliss contemplated “the scariest thing in space” and looked to a kitchen knife, imagining “500 gigantic knife-edge points”. “That’s how the Romulan ship developed, with a kitchen knife and the twisted imagination of James Clyne,” he said. During development, the ship was referred to as “Hanson’s Ranch” to keep its name secret.
(Star Trek – The Art of the Film)