The Basics
Yuki Sulu is the sister of Hikaru Sulu. She’s a rare engineering officer in the Section 31 crew, and she’s a great officer to have for PvP combat.
Getting Yuki Sulu
Yuki Sulu is available in both the Ultra and Premium recruiting packs.
Captain’s Maneuver
Disrupting Field – decreases the Shield Health of the opponent’s ship by 10% for each round.
She has the great anti-explorer captain’s maneuver in the game.
(I suppose this is as good a place as any to admit that I can’t hear the word “maneuver” without thinking of Eddie Izzard’s great bit on the invention of the Heimlich Maneuver. “I have just invented a maneuver.”)
If you’re lucky enough to have John Harrison, combining their shield abilities would be deadly. Admiral Marcus is the perfect complement to Yuki, giving her a 5% synergy boost and a big bonus to shield piercing. Paul Zhou will give a synergy boost, but since his officer’s ability is dependent on having synergy, he’s useless as a 3rd with Yuki as captain.

Instead, for your 3rd, you can be practical to both your ship and your opponent. If you’re running an Augur, then Nero as a 3rd to activate burning for the Obliterator weapon would be a good choice.
If you’re fighting a Federation ship for example, Mirek or Krell. Against Romulans, consider adding Yan’agh.
By the way, this is a great crew for the Live Target Practice event when going against a Jellyfish.
Lastly, while this captain’s maneuver is primarily geared towards battleships, there’s nothing to say you can’t use it on and against other ships as well. All ships have shields.

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Officer Ability
Romulan Grudge – increases the Damage against Romulan ships by (25%, 35%, 75%, 175%, 500%) of the Health of the crew on the ship.
If you’re looking to do damage against Romulans, she is a great officer to have – and especially when you’ve maxed her out. I’m at 175%, and waiting for another officer XP event before I upgrade her.
This is a great ability for player vs. player if you’re going against someone using a Romulan ship. It’s also good when going against mission bosses and hostiles.
The key is to load up below decks with officers who are going to give you as much health as possible. Stonn, Charvanek, Nero, Krell, and Bones are some good officers to have below decks when she’s on your bridge.
And it should go without saying that she’s worth spending officer badges on. Max her as soon as possible.
Yuki Sulu Trivia
Yuki Sulu, like Grace Chen, T’Laan, and the other Starfleet Academy officers in the game comes from the Star Trek: Ongoing comic book series.

Her backstory is that she joined section 31 after her brother, Hikaru Sulu, turned them down. And she was present when Admiral Marcus woke Khan and supplied him with his “John Harrison” alias.
You can read her full bio at Memory Beta.