Like Star Trek itself, this game can be confusing. And with each new addition to the game, it can be more bewildering for newer players. So, to help you out, I’ve created this Star Trek Fleet Command Daily To-Do List.
Not all players will be able to do all of these, but if you do most of these every day, you’ll advance quickly in the game, even if you’re free-to-play.
1. Your Daily Goals
I think this one goes without saying, but I’m including it simply for the sake of completeness. This includes paying attention to your research, claiming all of your daily reward chests, upgrading your station, material mining, hostile hunting, and swarm hunting. And since it has to go somewhere on this list, claim your 30-day chest as it becomes available. (Get those Carol Marcus shards.)
2. The Refinery
The one thing that everyone can agree on is that the refinery is painfully frustrating. It’s designed to hold you back. But it’s one consistent way of getting the common, uncommon, and rare materials you need to advance in the game. So you want to make sure you’re getting two or three pulls a day from this maddening slot machine. The same is doubly true for the occasions on which a Bonus Refinery becomes available.
And make sure that you’re running all three refineries every time you can. The one thing

3. Arc or Special Event Goals
The rewards for these tend to be excellent, and accomplishing these goals will give you the officers and ships you need to advance in the game. Oftentimes, if you miss out on these, they won’t be offered again. (At least not for free, anyway.)
If you missed out on getting the Vi’dar or the some of the Borg officers from that arc, or the Franklin, or the Botany Bay from those arcs, then you’re either going to have to do without or drop some coin to get them. A little bit of effort now can save you money later.
I’ve made a calendar and event guide to help you out in this area.
4. Daily Events
Not only should you do your daily events, but you should plan and prepare for them. Save upgrading ships and officers for times when you’ll get rewarded for them in daily events. These switch over every six hours, so make sure to look in on them and try to complete as many of them as possible.
Don’t rush to do the 12-hour goals, as often times the second half of these goals can double up with a six hour goal. This happens quite a bit with officers.
5. Hostile Grinding for PvE Chests and Reputation
You’ll do this a little for your dailies, but if you’re serious about advancing, you’re going to need to grind a good bit more than that. Grinding is going to give you the ship blueprints, ship parts, speed ups, relocation tokens, ship XP, officer XP, and other resources you need to build bigger and better ships, complete missions, and advance in the game.
Plus, it’s going to give you the faction rep you need to advance in the game.

6. Mine or Steal Enough Latinum to refine
Find some time each day to send your D’Vor out to mine enough Latinum for at least one refinery pull. Ideally, you should get enough from Ferengi Monday to last you for a few days, but I find that by Thursday or Friday I need to go get some more.
For the record, it’s much faster to steal it.

7. Fish for Scout Ships
If you’re looking to build a higher level faction ship, like an Augur, or an Enterprise without spending a lot of money on them, then you’re going to want to make sure you’re taking the time each day to fish for Scout ships.
Just to give you an example, currently, I’m working on an Enterprise. I’ve got 87 of the 150 Blueprints I’ll need to complete it. Using my Faction Ship Blueprint Calculator, I can see that if I just do my dailies, I’ll be able to build her in 94 days. Now I know in reality, it will be much less than that due to armadas, Borg probes, and Faction Hunt events, but it’s a baseline.
If I don’t collect my credits from Scout Ship messages every day, that number goes up from 94 to 170.
Ideally you’ll catch these while doing your dailies, but if you have to make a special trip, make a special trip.
8. Borg Probes
If you’ve got your Vi’dar, you’re going to want to make sure you’re doing your two runs to hunt Borg Probes. You want to max out your Vi’dar as soon as possible.
Once you’ve maxed it out, you’re going to want to keep hunting, to reap the rewards in Faction Credits. A maxed Vi’dar will bring you in 300 Faction credits a day.
That 94 days number now moves to 68.
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9. Building and Scrapping Ships
You can’t control how how generous or stingy the refinery will be. So it’s very helpful to have another regular source of uncommon and rare materials. As you advance in the game, you’re going to wind up with a lot of materials that are of no use at all to you in their current form. One of my former alliance mates and I would have silly bragging contests about who had the most Envoy blueprints. (Currently, I’ve got 2,938, enough to build almost 100 of them.)
You’re also going to have a lot of extra 2* materials, and 2* parts. So keep your shipyard active, and build some of these ships. Upgrade them with the parts and materials you’ll never use, and scrap them for 3* parts and 3* materials that you will use.
10. Talk to People
Take the time to interact with the people in your alliance. Share information. Learn from those more experienced than you. Ask how people are doing. If your alliance has a Discord Channel, check-in once a day.
Talk to people you see in the game. Start friendly chats. It should go without saying, but don’t be a jerk. It’s a game. Getting to know the people in other alliances on your server will help you either in growing your current alliance or in finding a better alliance to join, should that need arise.
And of course, Star Trek Fleet Command is a lot like golf. People love to give tips, even to the people they’re playing against.
11. Armadas and Armada Chests
There are times in the day when the greatest number of people in your alliance are online. These are great times to do armadas. Generally late afternoon or early evening is best for this.
You also want to make sure to cash in your armada chests as frequently as possible. Remember that uncommon armada chests can give rare armada directives, and rare chests give epic directives.

12. Mind the Stores
And by these, I mean the faction stores. In the Federation, Romulan and Klingon stores, trade in your messages for credits. These all have items that can only be purchased once a day. Trade in Data for Augment credits, and Augment credits for Augment recruiting chests.
In the Rogue faction store, redeem data to Eclipse Armada directives, Eclipse security codes for directives, Rogue Credits, and Rogue reputation.
13. Shield Discipline
Unless you’re someone under level 14, or over level 50, you need to expect to be hit at any time. This means having a shield up when you’re not playing the game. It means putting up at least an eight-hour shield up overnight. Ideally 12-hour or more, and there are many (myself included) who will tell you to put up a 24-hour shield. Shields aren’t that expensive in the alliance store.
Then have people in your alliance check your shield to make sure it’s up before you call it a night.
(Unless you’re in one of the other alliances in my server, then please ignore this point altogether.)
14. Claim Your Relocation Token
It’s in the Alliance store. Claim it. Move every couple of days (at least.) The longer you stay in one place, the more bookmark lists you’ll wind up on.
Plus, having a good supply of relocation tokens will help you with…
Before After
15. Raiding Time
On the flip side of shield discipline, is base raiding.
There are times during the day when you know that most people aren’t on. If you happen to be up at those hours, it’s a great time to do some base raiding. My wife gets up early for work, and in the time between her getting up, and my kids waking up in the morning, I go raiding.
This process also includes maintaining your bookmarks list.
Early in the morning, or late in the evenings are great times to base raid.
If you’re not big enough to base raid yet, go around and hunt for miners over their protected limits. One of the ways that I was able to advance as quickly as I did from level 15-25 was by taking about 20 minutes every morning and harvesting the extra tritanium that others on my server were kind enough to leave around. I’d usually get around 200k every morning.
It’s funny to think now that I can get eight times that from one load with my Antares, but times change.
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Thanks for reading. Stay safe out there.