One of the nastier characters in the entirety of Star Trek, Emperor Georgiou comes to Star Trek Fleet Command as an rare command officer. She’s a member of the Terran Empire crew, and like the others, she’s come with abilities that will only work during a Territory Capture.
Captain’s Maneuver
When attacking a player during a takeover, Emperor Georgiou decreases the defense of all officers on the opponents ship by 100%.
I’m interested to see how this one plays out in the game, and I’ll probably come back and update this article once I’ve had a chance to experiment. But reducing the defense from your opponents officers can do nothing but help you win.
Keep in mind, it’s not leaving your opponent defenseless, as their ship defense will still work, but a great deal of defense and mitigation comes from officers.
It’s also worth noting that this ability only works during a takeover, but unlike a lot of the other abilities released today, it’s not just on capture nodes, but activates anywhere in the territory.

Officer Ability
When attacking a player on a capture node, at the start of each round, Emperor Georgiou increases the number of shots of each weapon by .17, .25, .34, .40, .50 (cumulative.)
So this one’s going to start slow, but really get going as battles go longer and longer. By round three, you’re going to be firing twice as many shots as you otherwise would. And that’s before you promote her at all.
It will be interesting to try her on a Stella, with it’s crazy firing pattern, and it seems that she was designed with the Sarcophagus in mind.
So, from LCARS, we can take a look at the Sarcophagus’s unique firing pattern. With Georgiou, in Round 4, you’re going to be firing 16 shots.

Of course, the limiter to this is that it will only work when attacking another player on a capture node.
Emperor Georgiou Trivia
So if you’re looking for Michelle Yeoh trivia, you can find that in my article on the prime universe Phillipa Georgiou.
She first appears in the season one Discovery episode, The Wolf Inside, and is the only one of today’s Mirror Universe characters to survive until season three.
Her full title is Imperial Majesty, Mother of the Fatherland, Overlord of Vulcan, Dominus of Kronos, Regina Andor, All Hail Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius.
Which was explained by writer Jordon Nardino in a Twitter thread. I like the reference to mirror Hoshi Sato from the Enterprise season 4 episode, In a Mirror, Darkly.
“All Hail her most Imperial Majesty, Mother of the Fatherland, Overlord of Vulcan, Dominus of Kronos, Regina Andor, All Hail Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius.”
— Jordon Nardino (@jnardino) January 23, 2018
But what’s it mean??!?
– Dominus of Kronos: Terrans are very proud of conquering Qo’noS. Dominus is a harsher title the Emperor at the time took as a result (and Georgiou kept for herself). “We OWN them.” Qo’noS mispronounced out of cultural chauvinism.
— Jordon Nardino (@jnardino) January 23, 2018
“Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius”
— Jordon Nardino (@jnardino) January 23, 2018
Philipa Georgiou: her given name and her family name, just like Prime.
Augustus: the Terrans see themselves as inheritors of the Roman Empire so their Emperors take the title of its first Emperor.
Hoshi was Empress.
— Jordon Nardino (@jnardino) January 23, 2018
100 years later, Georgiou is Emperor.
Georgiou took one of Hoshi’s titles as her own to connect them. So Hoshi’s legacy as Empress must be good and Georgiou must either be connected to her in a chain of succession or might want to create that connection…..
…whoever inherited Hoshi’s throne was someone she adopted as a child & heir, the way most Roman emperors did. And that Emperor adopted his/her heir, and so on, until we get to Georgiou.
— Jordon Nardino (@jnardino) January 23, 2018
And she is proud of the connection and flaunts it with the title Iaponius.
…it’s not canon until it’s on screen so that’s just one writer’s opinion.
— Jordon Nardino (@jnardino) January 23, 2018
As for Centaurius, I figured it was the first system colonized by the Terrans since it’s closest to Sol so it was a title the Emperor at the time took in tribute.
Hope someone found this informative!