The Basics
Grace Chen is an uncommon science officer, and she’ll be one of your go-to officers in Star Trek Fleet Command in one of the most effective hostile-fighting combinations in the game.
How do you get Grace Chen?
You can get Grace Chen shards in both the premium and standard recruiting chests. She is definitely worth upgrading as much as possible.
It will cost you a total of 300 Chen shards, 5,000 Federation Credits, 427,500 officer XP, and 1 science badge to fully promote her.
Captain’s Maneuver
Modifications – Chen increases the Dodge, Shields Deflection, and Armor of the ship by 20% against Hostiles.
This maneuver will be very useful until you get Pike, when she’ll slide nicely to one of your officer spots. Until then, you can put together a great hostile fighting crew with her as captain, T’Laan to reduce kinetic weapon damage, and Gaila to reduce damage from hostile critical hits.
The name of the game when fighting hostiles is reducing damage.

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Officer Ability
Her Officer Ability is Energy Absorber – If the opponent is a Hostile, Chen decreases the damage done by its Energy Weapons by (10%. 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%.)
This is where she’s going to spend most of her time helping you, as an officer. The reason it works is that Pike’s Captain’s maneuver will make Chen’s ability much more effective. If you’ve got Moreau on to get Pike 40% synergy, a fully promoted-Chen will decrease the damage to your ship by 70%. And combined with Moreau’s ability to decrease the total damage made by a ridiculous amount.
You’re going to be able to punch far above your weight.
This crew will work against hostiles that primarily feature energy weapons, so battleships, explorers, and survey ships. It won’t work at all against other players, or armadas, or boss ships.
But avoid it when going against interceptors. Chen should never be on the bridge of your Franklin, for example.

Grace Chen Background
As with all the rest of the “Starfleet Academy” crew, Grace Chen has her origins in the IDW comic books, fittingly titled, Starfleet Academy.
Of that group, only Gaila has ever appeared onscreen.
According to Memory Beta, Chen was born in 2242 in Taipei.
If anyone has read the IDW comic books, and would like to offer up a short bio of her, I’ll print it here and give you credit.