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Commander Saru is a rare command officer in the group of Star Trek Fleet Command. He was introduced on September 8th, 2020.

Captain’s Maneuver

Precautions: Reduce opponent’s Critical Hit Chance by 10% on every critical hit taken in PvP.

So this would be a great counter to an opponent running a Kahn crew, or a Gorkon crew. It’ll be interesting to see if this is able to completely counteract Kahn’s 4% per hit increase in critical hits?

Officer Ability

Avoid Danger: Reduce opponent’s Damage by (30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%) in PvP

This seems like a lot like having Moreau for PvP. It will be interesting to pair him with Pike, and see if that combination works. Once I’ve done the testing on that, I’ll update this article.

It’ll also be interesting to pair him with Michael Burnham, and get a ship that’ll take down opponents shields, while Saru mitigates a massive amount of damage. If you’re going against much more powerful ships, then this should be a big equalizer.

This should also pair well with officers who’s abilities build over time, like a Decius or Khan. Your battles are going to go longer and longer with Saru reducing the damage you’re taking, so Decius bonus to overall damage, or Khan’s bonus to criticals will have more time to grow and grow.

Different Doug Jones

Doug Jones Trivia

Saru is portrayed by actor Doug Jones.

Not former 80s Major League Reliever Doug Jones, who saved 303 games for eight clubs over a 16-year big league career.

Instead, Doug Jones is an actor who’s been working consistently in TV and movies since the 1980s.

Born in 1960 in Indianapolis, Jones has made a long career for himself playing characters in prosthetic makeup.

The first time most people saw Jones, they likely had no idea who they were looking at, as he was featured in McDonald’s commercials as “Mac Tonight.”

I can’t really describe them, but I do remember them. Watch for yourself.

And then he was “Billy Butcherson” in the awful 1993 Bette Midler movie, Hocus Pocus. Here’s Roger Ebert’s review. However, not really Jones fault.

He appeared as a carrot in The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinke, starring Robert DeNiro and Rene Russo.

And what actor’s career would be complete without the chance to play… um… arm hair?

And fans of the Hellboy series will recognize Jones as Abe Sapien

And here’s Jones without any makeup at all. This could be his best disguise.

Doug Jones 2015
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