So I’m going to tell you right away, I encourage you to try the event without looking for the answers here. The St. Patrick’s Day Event, “Captain St. Patrick” is a fun little event that takes you on a tour of the galaxy. The event wasn’t too difficult, and the rewards weren’t bad.

But, if you must look, they’re all here. But more than just give you the answers, I thought I’d explain them in a bit more detail, show you where they’re from, and give you even more trivia than you got from the event.
1. What is the principle of Starfleet’s “Prime Directive?”
b) Non-intervention
Starfleet’s General Order Number One, is strictly speaking more about non-interference than non-intervention. “No starship may interfere with the normal development of any alien life or society.“
The Prime Directive was first mentioned on-screen in the TOS episode, “Bread and Circuses.”
That’s the one where they go to a parallel Earth where the Roman Empire never fell.
Totally different from the time they wound up dealing with 1930s gangsters, or fighting Nazis. Totally.
2. Who was the captain of the Enterprise in the original TOS pilot?
f) Christopher Pike
So the answer here is obvious, I think. It’s Pike. But just for fun, here’s Gene Roddenberry talking about the pilot.
3. Which state did James T. Kirk grow up in?
c) lowa
Kirk’s Iowa origins were first mentioned in the TOS episode, “The Deadly Years,” but I think most people will remember Kirk’s line from Star Trek IV, “I’m from Iowa, I only work in outer space.”
By the way, the character of Gillian was originally supposed to be a man played by Eddie Murphy.
4. Which year did the first episode of TOS air?
d) 1966
Funny that I just talked about this yesterday in my server mergers article.
5. Which Starship does Sulu command in “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country” (1991)?
h) USS Excelsior
6. Which Star Trek character was the only one who appeared in both pilot episodes of TOS?
c) Spock
This sounds familiar. If you took my quiz earlier this week for the free battle pass, you’d have known that this was Spock. It was question 8 on mine.
7. What was Sulu’s position on the Enterprise?
f) Helmsman
As you might remember from Star Trek II, when Kirk was happy to have Sulu along for the training voyage, because “I’m not sure these kids can steer.”
By the way, Sulu’s original post on the Enterprise wasn’t as helmsman, that came later. In Where No Man Has Gone Before, he was the Chief Physicist.
8. Which existing species discovered the warp drive first?
a) Vulcans
We know from the Enterprise episode Carbon Creek that Vulcans had warp drive in 1957.
But nothing in that episode is as fun to watch as the newly landed Vulcans from Star Trek: First Contact.
9. What does the acronym NCC in the Starship Enterprise registry “NCC-1701″
stand for?
a) Naval Construction Contract
If you really wanted to nitpick anything on this quiz, it would be this one. It’s never mentioned anywhere in Star Trek what the NCC actually stands for. Not once. The guy who would know, Matt Jeffries, who actually put NCC on the Enterprise had this explanation, according to Memory Alpha, “when he conceived the prefix in 1964, that the registries for American civil aircraft are preceded by NC, and Soviet craft used a prefix of CCCC, and as such, he more-or-less combined the two. His philosophy was, “If we do anything in space, we (Americans and Russians) have to do it together.“
“Naval Construction Contract” isn’t without merit though, as it was used in the 1975 licensed publication Star Trek Blueprints, by Franz Joseph.
But it’s just a game.
10. Uhura was fond of singing a particular song accompanied with a Vulcan lute. Which of the following is the correct lyric of that song:
c) Forever is just another journey
Uhura loved this song which is titled Beyond Antares, and she actually sang it on TOS twice, in The Conscience of the King” and The Changeling.
11. In which star system did the USS Constellation discover the planet killer?
f) System L-374
12. How did James Doohan lose his middle finger?
b) World War 2
I went over this in detail in my article on Montgomery Scott.
13. Which phrase was never actually spoken in Star Trek?
g) “Beam me up, Scotty”
Never said it, but Kirk did come really, really close.
14. Reportedly, the original Star Trek pilot was not aired because it was:
c) Too intellectual
See the above Roddenberry video. The networks wanted westerns. It was the 60s. You had to be there.
I wasn’t. But you’d have to have been there.
15. What does the Doomsday Machine use to break planets apart?
a) Antiprotons
The machine was made from neutronium, but it shot antiprotons. And now you know.
16. What was the primary reason Commodore Decker flew a shuttlecraft into the Doomsday Machine?
b) Guilt from losing his crew
Will Decker’s dad did not take losing his crew well, and how could you blame him.
17. Who was the first character to receive Spock’s infamous nerve pinch?
d) Kirk
Well, it was kind of Kirk who got the neck pinch in The Enemy Within. In that episode, Kirk was split in two, a good half and a bad half. The bad half got pinched, and he really deserved it.
The best Vulcan Neck Pinch was still in Star Trek IV, when Spock used it to knock out the punk on the bus.
Here’s the bit of trivia you’ll never forget. The guy who gets pinched was played by Kirk Thatcher. Thatcher was an associate producer for Star Trek IV, and he actually wrote the “I hate you” song that’s blaring out of that boom box.
But wait, there’s more, he’s also the voice of the Vulcan teaching computer that quizzes spock at the beginning of the move AND he slipped his own name in as one of the answers, Kir-Kin-Tha’s First Law of Metaphysics.
18. Which character brought Tribbles onboard into the Enterprise?
h) Uhura
It’s Uhura who buys the fuzzy Tribble at the bar, and brings it onto the Enterprise.
19. Which NASA space shuttle was named after a ship on Star Trek?
a) Enterprise
20. Which acronym is often found on the pipes and ducts of starships?

This is short for GOES NOWHERE, DOES NOTHING, which of course, on TV sets, all the pipes and ducts do just that.