For a while in Star Trek Fleet Command, if you wanted to increase the impulse speed of your ship, you had one option. The Klaa crew. This was especially useful in cleaning out an opponent’s base (when you had Stonn as one of your officers,) or in hunting as much overprotected Latinum as possible on Ferengi Monday.
Then, during the first section of the Outlaws Arc, we got three new Augment officers, Pan, Navi, and Rima. They did two things. One, with Pan as captain, due to their synergy levels, they give you even more speed than the Klaa crew. And two, with Rima or Navi as captain, they’re set up as a counter to any hull breach crew that you may be facing in PvP.

Pan’s Captain’s Maneuver is “Getting Up To Speed”. This increases the Impulse speed of the ship by 20%. With full synergy of Navi and Pan, you can use this to increase your Impulse speed by 50%.
His officer ability is “Mistakes were Made”. which gives you a (25% 35% 45% 55% 65%) chance of applying a hull breach to your own ship. This sounds horrific, but it really isn’t. The hull breach by itself isn’t going to damage your ship. It’s just a condition that enables other officer’s abilities – both yours and your opponents.
So if Pan gives your ship a Hull Breach, Navi and Rima’s officer abilities will kick in… as will those of any officers on your opponent’s ships that require Hull Breach (like Chang, Kerla, Mara, etc.) So it’s a bit of a double-edged sword for both of you. However, this crew’s abilities are a little stronger than their opponents, so on balance, it’s a win for you if you’re using these Augments.
And again, if you’re going up against an officer who can give your ship a Hull Breach, like Gorkon, Azetbur, or Kang, they’re going to give you an even greater opportunity to set off your abilities.

Navi’s Captain’s Maneuver is “Drastic Measures.” At the start of each round, if the ship has a hull breach, Navi increases the Critical hit damage bonus by 20% for this round.
Depending on your opponent, and your officer levels, you might want to complement her with Khan instead of Rima. In short battles, Rima’s got an edge. But if you’ve got Khan giving you a 4% cumulative chance of a critical each time you’re hit, he’s the one to go to in longer battles.
Her officer ability is “Guardian Angel,” which gives you a (50% 65% 85% 110% 140%) bonus to armor, shield deflection and dodge when your ship has a hull breach.
Again, this is a prety great officer ability, greatly increasing your mitigation in battle, and reducing the damage your ship is going to be taking.

His captain’s maneuver is “You’ll Pay For That”: At the start of each round, if the ship has a hull breach, Rima increases the damage of the ship by 40%.
I think I like this maneuver a little more than Navi’s, though it’s fun how they complement each other. Both give one critical bonus, and one overall bonus.
Rima’s officer ability is “Systems Critical,” which increases your Critical hit chances by (5% 8% 10% 15% 20%) when your ship has a hull breach.

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All three of these officers are original to Star Trek Fleet Command. Their backstory sets them as Augments, like Khan, from the 1990s. Pan is the experiment gone wrong. Navi is the nice Augment. Rima is the stealthy businessman.
In Greek mythology, Pan is the “god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs. He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is also recognized as the god of fields, groves, wooded glens and often affiliated with sex; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring. The ancient Greeks also considered Pan to be the god of theatrical criticism. The word panic ultimately derives from the god’s name.”
Navi is a character from the Legend of Zelda.
Rima is the Latin term for cleft, which might be a hint as to his character.