This for the last three weekends in February during TOS Arc 2, we’re going to have the Doomsday Onslaught event. Like last month, we’ve got a hybrid event where you can do either PvP or PvE to finish an event. You’ll be fighting either Doomsday worms or your fellow players.
Points are awarded for doing hull damage in selected systems. In the regular Doomsday Systems, you’ll get 1 point for each unit of damage you do to hostile hulls.
In the PvP Doomsday systems you’ll get double points for destroying hostiles, and five times the points for each unit of hull damage you do to players.
The rewards for this one are also pretty good, giving a lot of dilithium, and refined gas (depending on your ops level.)
The Doomsday Worms

The rub with these new hostiles, which look like a combination of the Doomsday Device and Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors is that they fire both kinetic and energy weapons, so your traditional Pike Moreau Chen or T’Laan crew won’t be as effective as they would be against a hostile that fired one of the other.
The Systems

This latest arc has introduced a bunch of new systems into the game. You can find them
In the picture above, you’ll notice that two of them, Mezara and Mal’Tahn are gated by Doomsday Transwarp Cells.

You can get the transwarp cells by completing the daily ticketed events…

or in the TOS Doomsday Resistance recruiting chests.