With the release of Outlaws III, we get a bunch of new Rogue Officers. Most of them are designed in order to help you go after the Eclipse hostiles and armadas. Since there are a bunch of them, I’m going to break them down into two parts. Today, we’ll go over new Harry Mudd, Sesha, Goon, and Tiza. Next, Ro Mudd, Eudrydice, and Ahvix.
New Harry Mudd

I suppose the only thing better than one Harry Mudd is… TWO Harry Mudds.
His Captain’s Maneuver is “Two Steps Ahead,” which gives him a 40% chance of raising shield mitigation to 98% for the first two rounds of combat. This means that the damage your opponent does will go to your shield, instead of your hull. You’ll be able to dramatically increase this with synergy, which could push this up to 80%.
Mudd’s Officer Ability is “823 Ways to Die.”
This gives the ship a chance of double shots for the first round. It starts off at 20% at tier one and goes up to 60% when fully promoted.
This makes Mudd a powerful officer for quick combat.

If this Mudd looks a little different, it’s because it’s the Harry Mudd from Discovery in the “Prime Universe.” The one the Klingons tortured in The 823 ways to die seems like a reference to Mudd’s last appearance on Discovery, Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad.

I’m pretty sure this is the first Discovery reference in the game. If I’m wrong, please let me know. Either way, it’s pretty cool.
This Mudd looks an awful lot like Rainn Wilson. Which is fine, but it does make me wonder why he doesn’t look all that much like the Harry Mudd from Outlaws II? And why don’t either of them look all that much like the late Roger C. Carmel.
Harry Mudd Trivia
Carmel was scheduled to come back as Mudd for an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation during season one – but he died before filming.
Since I’m probably the only one who cares, I’ll move on.


The next of the Rogue Officers is not Seska, (thank goodness,) and also not Brazilian pop star Xuxa (don’t click the link, you can’t unsee it,) its Sesha. She’s a common science officer in Mudd’s crew.
She’s basically an Orion Augment, having been experimented on and given “accelerated cell regeneration.”
Her Captain’s Maneuver is “Always On Guard.” From this, you’ll get a 20% chance to decrease Eclipse’s hostile (and Eclipse armada) Critical Hit Chance by 15%.
Sesha’s Officer Ability is “Intimidation.” This gives your ship a bonus in Critical Hit Damage against Eclipse hostiles and armadas. The bonus starts at 20% and maxes out at 90%.
These abilities have the potential to be very useful in Eclipse Armadas. Her captain’s ability will work for the whole armada.
However, since Gaila’s ability to reduce hostile critical hits works against Epic Armadas and two Gailas in an armada will wipe it out completely, I’m not sure how helpful this will really be. The Officer Ability, however, looks like it will be very useful, especially if you were to pair her with someone like Khan, who increases your chances of scoring a critical hit.


The next of the Rogue Officers, Goon is Mudd’s enforcer. His backstory is that of a Starfleet MACO veteran who left to join Mudd’s crew. (Odd that according to Star Trek Beyond, the MACOs were disbanded when the Federation was created, almost 100 years before the time the game is set in.)
His Captain’s Maneuver is “Grizzled Veteran,” which increases your chances of a critical hit against hostiles in the first round by 20%.
His officer ability increases the Ship XP gained from victory.
I could see teaming him with Pike and Moreau, and putting them on the Stella in Augment space, and just leaving it there for a while to level up on the bounty hunters. I tried this last night with my Tier 4 Stella, and it didn’t go so well against the level 37s in Yarda. Worked better at the low levels.
Other than that, Goon looks like a below decks officer to me. His abilities are underwhelming. One improved chance of a critical hit is fine, but most battles (especially at higher levels) last a lot longer than that, so your opponent will be coming at you with bonuses over and over again, and Goon is done in round one.
I’ve gotta say that I don’t care for this character’s name. I get that he’s a bit of a goon figure, but naming him that seems a little too on the nose for me.

The last of the Rogue Officers I’ll cover today is Tiza.
For a character who has nothing at all to do with the Jem’Hadar, he looks like an awful lot like one, but he moves around like a Ferengi (ie, crazed gerbil.) If you’re curious, the “Mirani” are a species completely original to Star Trek Fleet Command. There is a town in Australia called Mirani. It’s got about 1,500 people and is located about 650 miles north of Brisbane.
And just in case you’re curious, here’s next week’s weather in Mirani.
MIRANI, Queensland, Australia WEATHERNow back to Tiza. His Captain’s Maneuver is “Security Breach.” He’ll reduce Eclipse hostile’s Shield Mitigation for the first round. This also works against Eclipse Armadas.
His Officer Ability is “Mirani Technology.” This gives you a 35% chance to increase mitigation by 100% against Eclipse hostiles and armadas. This increases as you promote him, and maxes out at 75%
For a common officer, I like these abilities a lot, especially his officer ability. It’s especially nice since, as a common officer, he’s not going to cost you any officer badges at all, and only 1,000 Independent credits to max out.
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